eBook Review : Pains and Gains of Academic Writing

The ability to write scientific texts is central in relation to other research competencies. Today, scientific communication is not limited to national, institutional, and even disciplinary frameworks, which is especially noticeable in the social sciences. The book “Pains and Gains of Academic Writing” is based on a transdisciplinary approach that is widely used in the Western tradition of teaching academic writing, but has not yet become widespread in all countries of the world. The text is considered as a public product, and writing is viewed as a process of its non-linear construction. The individual process of working on the text is inextricably linked with the process of discussing it with potential readers, students, or colleagues.
The practice of writing a clear, concise, and convincing scientific text begins with the first student's work and never ends, so the book will be useful both for a student writing his first essay and for a specialist writing a scientific article. You can enjoy reading this book right now.
Pains and Gains of Academic Writing: General Characteristics of the eBook
Since the manual was based on international requirements for a scientific text, it can also be used in the preparation of a foreign publication. The structure of the manual allows using it both consistently and selectively, to solve specific problems.
Theoretical Material Presented in the eBook
The material of the book “Pains and Gains of Academic Writing” is contained in several sections with a proportional number of topics. One of the sections is devoted entirely to the policy of academic integrity, discusses the main issues related to integrity / non-integrity, explains the importance of ethical standards in higher education, defines the legal framework for academic integrity and anti-plagiarism explains the features of copyright and intellectual property rights.
The following sections are aimed at gaining knowledge about the organization, stylistic designing, and editing of academic texts. The theoretical sections used materials to help solve current problems of students in writing academic text:
- Various models of academic writing;
- Methods of generating new, creative ideas;
- Organization, mechanics, and focus of academic text;
- Paragraph structure and their disposition;
- Features of writing all parts of academic text, etc.
Much attention is paid to the analytical work of young researchers at the stage of formulating ideas in the syntactic constructions of the text, as well as with the finished text.
Practical Tasks Aimed at Developing Effective Academic Writing Skills
Based on the fact that one of the reasons for the low academic culture of modern students is the formulation of tasks that can be downloaded from the network, creative practical tasks were developed for each of the topics. In the process of their implementation, students will be able to learn to analytically perceive information, understand the structure and integrity of the text, determine the constituent elements of the paragraph, process sociological data and independently create material for research using the Internet.
The practical tasks include writing own original academic texts, including essays, research papers, response and reflection papers, case studies, summaries, reviews, etc. Each assignment is formulated with clear instructions that will facilitate understanding of the essence of the task, allow clarity and correctness of its implementation. Examples of sentence analysis on syntactic and linguistic errors are given.
Some problematic issues that need to be comprehended are proposed, as well as a theoretical reference book that represents the interpretation of the most basic concepts that students should understand. The main theoretical information is summarized and presented in the form of tables. The practical part contains tasks, the implementation of which will help students to form the practical skills to use communicatively justified means of language to create appropriate samples of academic writing. The information on the interpretation of the academic text, psychological, logical, and linguistic-stylistic bases of its editing is updated. Particular emphasis is placed on organizing and editing one's own academic essay.
Concluding Remarks
So, the main task of “Pains and Gains of Academic Writing” is the formation of professional competence and the expansion of communicative competence associated with the analytical textual activity; the formation of students' skills of linguistic and pragmatic thinking, the ability to analyze expressive units of the language and competently make the choice of the desired unit, depending on the goals and conditions of communication.
The study of the book allows students to carry out professional activities related to the search for information in scientific databases, analysis and abstracting of texts, work with various genres of academic writing.
As a result of reading the book, the students develop the following professional competencies: master the methodology of text analysis, contributing to the accurate perception of the original statement; study the methodology of working with text, including the search for information in a reference, special literature, and computer networks.
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